Sbi po prelims exam analysis

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Hence, one can consider this section to be moderate. Detailed break-up of SBI PO Preliminary Exam 2018 Slot 4 Here is the the detailed break-up by Career Launcher of SBI PO Preliminary Exam 2018 slot 2 held today: Section Total Questions Level of Difficulty Good Attempts Good Score Time Taken In Minutes English Language 30 Moderate 19-23 17-20 20 Quantitative Aptitude 35 Moderate 20-22 18-20 20 Reasoning Ability 35 Moderate 16-18 15-17 20 Total 100 Moderate 57-63 53-58 60 Overall Objective Test Out of 100 51-55 48-52 43-47 31-35 SBI PO Prelims 2018: Cut-Off details SBI PO Prelims 2018 exam analysis of slot 2, day 1: The overall difficulty level of this session was moderate According to Career Launcher, here are the sectional and overall expected cut-off of SBI PO Prelims Exam 2018: Sectional and overall expected cut-off of SBI PO Prelims Exam 2018: Subject General OBC SC ST English Language Out of 30 8.

Other exam dates for SBI PO Prelims Exam were 7th July and 8th July as per official notification. Sections Good Attempts Level Reasoning Aptitude 17-21 Easy-Moderate English Language 16-19 Moderate-Difficult Quantitative Aptitude 19-23 Moderate TOTAL 57-61 U Reasoning Ability This section had 35 questions. If you are getting a score between 17 and 21, assume that you in a safe position. The overall difficulty level of this section was moderate. Two questions were from vocabulary 1 synonym and 1 antonym. If you are prime to give the SBI Clerk Prelims Exam soon or have given it today, you must be looking for detailed SBI Clerk Prelims Analysis. The overall difficulty level of this section was moderate. sbi po prelims exam analysis A total of 30 questions were asked out of which 5 questions were from Ring Comprehension RC. SBI PO is the most sought-after job in the banking industry. Instead of settling for, say, a cup of Ensure-brand pudding, throw some cooked salmon in a blender.

SBI PO Exam Analysis SBI PO 2018 Exam has been conducted for 1st July 2018. Do not get stuck in any of the puzzle if u feels so just skip and move to next question. The questions on Number Series were moderate.

SBI PO Prelims 2018 Exam Analysis: Candidates suggest reasoning section difficult, slot-wise analysis here - Here, we are going to describe the SSC PO 2017 Prelims exam Analysis on 7th May. This includes cookies from third party social media websites and ad networks.

SBI PO Analysis: State Bank of India SBI recruitment section had started the and today was the last day of one of the sought after banking recruitment exams. Spanning a period of one week ending July 08, 2018 , the exam was being held in four time slots: 2 each in morning and evening. The SBI PO Prelims were held in three days, on July 1, July 7 and July 8. The SBI PO Prelims results are expected on July 15, 2018. The results will be released on the official website of the largest bank in the country, sbi. SBI PO Prelims Day 3, Slot 3 Analysis According to Mayank Garg of Career Launcher, in Slot 3 of day three of SBI PO prelims exam, the difficulty level of the exam was moderate. Section Total Questions Level of Difficulty Good Attempts Time Taken In Minutes English Language 30 Moderate 20-23 20 Quantitative Aptitude 35 Moderate 19-21 20 Reasoning Ability 35 Moderate 18-21 20 Total 100 Moderate 57-65 60 In SBI PO prelims exam, a total of 100 questions had to be answered in 60 minutes. All the sections, except English Language, were available in both English and Hindi. Every correct answer will fetch 1 mark, while every incorrect answer will reduce the score by 0. English Language Section Mr. Garg also said Reading Comprehension RC was moderate-moderate. Data Interpretation Regarding the DI, he said the section was calculative and time taking. Topic Number of questions Level of Difficulty Number Series Wrong Number Series 5 Moderate-Difficult Comparison of two quantities: Quantity I and Quantity II Ages, Average, TSD — Boat and Stream, etc. Sectional and overall expected cut-off of SBI PO Prelims Exam 2018 SBI PO Prelims 2018 Analysis: Check cut-off details here Subject General OBC SC ST English Language Out of 30 8. Garg suggested cut-off of 51-55, 48-52, 43-47 and 31-35 for General, OBC, SC and ST candidates respectively. Click here for more.